Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gearing Up

We're gearing up for the big surgery or holiday project, as I like to think of it! Tay's schedule has been farmed out to several members of our family and we are extremely grateful for their help. Christmas decorations will go up this weekend so that we don't have to suffer through what they would look like if put up in a Darvocet fog. All of my prescriptions have been filled so they'll be ready to go...because, really, we all know I'm not very patient and I'm guessing will be even less so on Monday :-)...

Hopefully, I'll be up to updating (hey, that sounded funny) when I get home from surgery on Monday morning/afternoon. I keeping thinking it can't be all that bad. I mean, the last time it was broken I was wide awake so being asleep ought to make the process much more bearable, right?

Most importantly, I got a new pajama wardrobe yesterday to serve as a distraction from the big, bulky splint I'll be sporting for a week or so...and, yes, I promise to post pics (a good friend of mine from work requested those...you know who you are...) for your viewing enjoyment :-)

Here's the before picture...

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