Saturday, February 28, 2009

All Is Well...

I saw Dr. Gardere for my 2-month follow up appointment a couple of weeks ago. While they initially told me that I'd have a number of additional check-ups, I was pleasantly surprised with "no more need to see us unless you have a problem." Woo hoo!

The only lingering symptom I have is swelling at the base of my nose (no channeling Samantha through a nose wiggle) but he said that will remain a minimum of 6 months. He would like for me to come back one final time at one year post-op but that's mainly just to get the final 'after' pictures to complete his file.

It's so nice to have this little venture behind me. I no longer snore (unless I'm really tired) and can breathe and blow my nose like a normal person. It's fabulous! Apparently my snoring lulled Dave to sleep, though, because he hasn't slept through the night in a couple of months. Coincidence?

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